We last night I jumped into bed with Frenzy expecting a tight modern thriller from our friend Hitchcock. Well... If I hadn't seen the title sequence (a bit flashy for my liking old bean) I could have sworn I was watching a 70's Exploitation film, the acting and dialogue was jarring. I was confused for about 5 minutes wondering where hitchcock would take us. His shots were interesting and it looks like he was experimenting with offscreen action and audience expectation, This worked well but was sometimes a little too strung out. Well lets just say when a certain someone is killed and the people walked by in the street... not a fan. Anyway the story was as you would expect from hitchcock, by the end of the film Hitchy had redeamed himself with some brillient twists and some interesting shots.
Just warning you... If you are expecting something great... this probabily isnt it.
"our friend Hitchcock" hahahahahhahaha you wish.