Friday, 30 April 2010

New Lens but no time!

Ok so I got a Nikon 35mm 1.8 AF-S Prime Lens on Tuesday!! he's my first picture with it! It is brillient and I've been after a prime lens for a while. The Problem is I havent had any time to take pictures with it! I have been really busy at work and Im worn out! Last night I went to the gym and tryed out my boxing gloves... in short I suck at boxing but hey it was my first time at the punching bag. Im looking forward to this weekend and cant wait to get taking some pictures.
Nikon 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras

Friday, 23 April 2010

Film Review: Frenzy (1972)

It seems Hitchcock overlooked the quality of acting in his 1972 film "Frenzy".


We last night I jumped into bed with Frenzy expecting a tight modern thriller from our friend Hitchcock. Well... If I hadn't seen the title sequence (a bit flashy for my liking old bean) I could have sworn I was watching a 70's Exploitation film, the acting and dialogue was jarring. I was confused for about 5 minutes wondering where hitchcock would take us. His shots were interesting and it looks like he was experimenting with offscreen action and audience expectation, This worked well but was sometimes a little too strung out. Well lets just say when a certain someone is killed and the people walked by in the street... not a fan. Anyway the story was as you would expect from hitchcock, by the end of the film Hitchy had redeamed himself with some brillient twists and some interesting shots.

Just warning you... If you are expecting something great... this probabily isnt it.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

A Visitor

This Saturday Laura came over to stay. We just enjoyed eachothers company Saturday night and watched half of The Swarm (Waner Brothers Sci-fi B movie flick from the 70's Starring Micheal Caine) [Its basically The Birds but with Bee's and loads of Military involvment]

On Sunday morning Laura and I woke up really early (to Laura's Horror) I watched some Vintage Transformer Cartoons while Laura read some obsucre book with a refference to Neutral Milk Hotel in it. After this we watched Antichrist together (As Laura pointed out..."really good viewing for 9.30am") ha ha ha

After watching Charlotte Gainsbourg Mutilate herself and her partner we desided to go to Bolton Abbey to take in the senery. I will post some pictures later. (Some already on Flickr)
Antichrist (Criterion Collection)The Swarm

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

I Like Finding Things Like This

This is a picture I took back in 2009 while in the US. I found it on my computer the other day.
Slow Fade

Ok so I've had this blog since June 2009 and only ever posted one thing on it (now deleted) I have decided that I should explore the wonderful world of blogging more. So here I am. I don't know how many people will read this or how it will be percieved. But hello people =].